顯示具有 Quartz Rutilated necklace 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 Quartz Rutilated necklace 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
Exclusive interview report from TTV News.

Thanks for TTV News' interviewing😍😍😍

There is a person buying a Quartz Rutilated bracelet on other live broadcasts.

It costs her just NT 2,000 dollars to buy it!!!😱😱😱😱😱

She thought it was cheap before, but now she knows that she just bought a dyed Quartz Rutilated bracelet.

The doctor reminded her that a dyed Quartz Rutilated bracelet would cause blisters and cellulitis.

The person is angry and complains to TTV News about this bad behavior.

TTV news came to visit the boss of ''Auspicious Crystal'' , Mr. Huang🎈🎈🎈

Let's teach you how to distinguish the Quartz Rutilated is fake or not. 

How to pick Quartz Rutilated bracelet

There are three steps.

To avoid to buy a fried yellow wax or artificially treated titanium crystal hand row.

1.To observe the growth point and the distribution  of  Quartz Rutilated.

2.To use the alcohol to wipe it, and observe it is fading or not.

3.To throw into the water, and observe it has oil slick or not.

Quartz Rutilated

And the most important is to find a well-respected Brick-And-Mortar to buy it!🎀🎀🎀